Sarah Akigbogun is uncovering the forgotten stories of female architects of color with XXAOC

London-based architect, filmmaker, and educator Sarah Akigbogun is bringing to light the stories of female architects of color, a demographic that has lacked adequate representation and acknowledgment.  Akigbogun is the founding director at transdisciplinary practice Studio Aki, Vice Chair of Women In Architecture, and a newly elected London member of RIBA Council. In 2017, she directed the film She Draws: She Builds, a film that amplifies the voices and experiences of 15 female architects.  Sarah Akigbogun. Photo: TwitterHer current project, the XXAOC Project, is an online, crowd-sourced initiative that serves as a platform to document female architects of color both currently and throughout history. The project started in early 2019 with a tweet by Akigbogun calling out to the internet in search of these women and their stories. So, new project for 2019 ...I’m starting a project to collect the stories of female #ArchitectsofColour, past and present. Who should I be talking to? Abo...

Sarah Akigbogun is uncovering the forgotten stories of female architects of color with XXAOC

London-based architect, filmmaker, and educator Sarah Akigbogun is bringing to light the stories of female architects of color, a demographic that has lacked adequate representation and acknowledgment. 

Akigbogun is the founding director at transdisciplinary practice Studio Aki, Vice Chair of Women In Architecture, and a newly elected London member of RIBA Council. In 2017, she directed the film She Draws: She Builds, a film that amplifies the voices and experiences of 15 female architects. 

Sarah Akigbogun. Photo: Twitter

Her current project, the XXAOC Project, is an online, crowd-sourced initiative that serves as a platform to document female architects of color both currently and throughout history. The project started in early 2019 with a tweet by Akigbogun calling out to the internet in search of these women and their stories.

So, new project for 2019 ...I’m starting a project to collect the stories of female #ArchitectsofColour, past and present. Who should I be talking to? Abo...