Semiramis Installation / Gramazio Kohler Research + ETH Zürich

Semiramis is an architectural installation designed with artificial intelligence that was constructed in 2022 at the entrance of a new Tech Cluster Zug, Switzerland. As a herald for the increasingly interwoven collaboration between machines and humans, it aims to go beyond usual urban programs and it will rise as a vertical urban habitat reserved for plants and small local animals. By dwelling between the artificial and the natural, Semiramis has been established through a manifold of synergies and research projects in the fields of interactive computational design, machine learning, and digital fabrication. On a formal level, the structure is 22.5 meters in height without vegetation and is composed of five amorphous wooden pods sustained by 8 thin steel pillars.

Semiramis Installation / Gramazio Kohler Research + ETH Zürich
Courtesy of Gramazio Kohler Research Courtesy of Gramazio Kohler Research

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