Shanghai Nanqiao Academy-Comprehensive Building and Riverside Landscape / NODE architectes

Designed and revitalized by NODE Architecture & Urbanism (NODE), Nanqiao Academy stands as a pivotal urban renewal project in Fengxian District, Shanghai. It encompasses a comprehensive building covering 8,700 square meters, alongside an on-campus sports ground for the school, and a riverside landscape. The comprehensive building was completed and commissioned in 2021, and the on-campus sports ground and riverside landscape were completed in 2022, ready for operation. Nanqiao Academy sits within the Nanqiao Town of Fengxian, a locale that has its roots traced back to the waning years of the Tang Dynasty. The canal that meanders through this settlement was excavated during the Southern Song Dynasty, and the annals of its rich historical architecture encapsulate nearly a millennium of evolution. Winding streets from the Song Dynasty, ancient bridges from the Ming Dynasty, soy sauce breweries from the Qing Dynasty, garden residences of the early 20th century, and the erstwhile site of the Catholic priest's residence that once turned into a command center during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression...diverse architectural gems from varying eras juxtapose to preserve a fraction of Nanqiao Town's distinctive historical memory. Yet, as the boundaries of the old town expanded and modernization renovations unfolded throughout modern and contemporary times, traces of the past gradually faded into the ever-growing labyrinth of new streets and residential blocks. This urban renewal initiative not only strives to extract historical imprints and charm from the environment into reconfiguration, but it also seeks to reconsider the relationship of streets, canals, buildings, and communal amenities, thereby infusing novel functions and vitality into the community's very fabric.

Shanghai Nanqiao Academy-Comprehensive Building and Riverside Landscape / NODE architectes
© Fangfang Tian © Fangfang Tian

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