SNOW 5319 Office and House / UTAA

SNOW 5319 is a neighborhood living facility construction built in the back alley that has stepped back from the border between the bustling Nonhyeon-dong and Cheongdam-dong. An alley with a mixture of old and newly built buildings (that are no longer maintained) is a place where diversity and congestion coexist. From bricks to stone tiles and concrete exposures, the exterior wall materials and color selection used in the building was a difficult task in this alley affecting the landscape with various exterior wall materials. Through constant meetings with the owners, the color of the exterior wall was decided as white, which can be the basis of the structure as it is, and white will serve as a milestone in the landscape of the alley.

SNOW 5319 Office and House / UTAA
© Hyosook Chin © Hyosook Chin
  • architects: UTAA
  • Location: Nonhyeon-Dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: Hyosook Chin
  • Area: 624.0 m2

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