Society of Architectural Historians "supports and encourages the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces"

The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) has issued a statement in support of the removal of Confederate monuments in American public spaces following a concerted effort to rid memorial sites of these installations.  The statement comes as the National Trust for Historic Preservation and other architecture groups express their own support for the movement to remove these monuments.  SAH's full statement, which was crafted by the group's Heritage Conservation Committee is printed in full below.  The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) supports and encourages the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces. In its 80-year history, SAH has never before advocated for the direct removal of any historic resource, let alone listed monuments. As architectural historians committed to preserving significant elements of the built environment and cultural landscape, we have vigorously championed the preservation of difficult aspects of our nation’s history such as Wounded Kne...

Society of Architectural Historians "supports and encourages the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces"

The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) has issued a statement in support of the removal of Confederate monuments in American public spaces following a concerted effort to rid memorial sites of these installations. 

The statement comes as the National Trust for Historic Preservation and other architecture groups express their own support for the movement to remove these monuments. 

SAH's full statement, which was crafted by the group's Heritage Conservation Committee is printed in full below. 

The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) supports and encourages the removal of Confederate monuments from public spaces. In its 80-year history, SAH has never before advocated for the direct removal of any historic resource, let alone listed monuments. As architectural historians committed to preserving significant elements of the built environment and cultural landscape, we have vigorously championed the preservation of difficult aspects of our nation’s history such as Wounded Kne...