Suburban Sprawl Increases the Risk of Future Pandemics

The export of American culture is one of the most influential forces in our interconnected world. From Dakar to Delhi, American pop music, movies, and artery-clogging cuisine is ubiquitous. However, one of the most damaging exports is the American suburb. When the 20th century model for housing the swelling populations of Long Island and Los Angeles translates to 21st century Kinshasa and Kuala Lumpur, the American way of life may very well be our downfall.

Suburban Sprawl Increases the Risk of Future Pandemics
Suburban expansion into remnant habitat / La Citta Vita, via Flickr, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Suburban expansion into remnant habitat / La Citta Vita, via Flickr, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The export of American culture is one of the most influential forces in our interconnected world. From Dakar to Delhi, American pop music, movies, and artery-clogging cuisine is ubiquitous. However, one of the most damaging exports is the American suburb. When the 20th century model for housing the swelling populations of Long Island and Los Angeles translates to 21st century Kinshasa and Kuala Lumpur, the American way of life may very well be our downfall.

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