Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2021 — curatorial competition

Registration Deadline: May 29, 2020; Submission Deadline: May 29, 2020 The Estonian Centre for Architecture launches the Curatorial Competition for the 6th international Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB 2021) (https://tab.ee/), in order appoint its Head Curator – or Head Curatorial Team, and to select the most suitable theme related to the context of Estonia and to the contemporary architectural scene for its next edition. Tallinn Architecture Biennale is an international architecture festival which will take place in Tallinn from September to November 2021, and addresses relevant issues in architecture, delving into the present and the future of the field. The event will consist of a main programme including a Curatorial Exhibition, a two-day architectural Symposium and the Tallinn Vision Competition, led by the Head Curator; and a Satellite Programme encompassing exhibitions, lectures, installations, film projections and other events spread around the city, curated by different coordinators. TAB’s general goals are to: popularise a quality built environment internationalise Estonian architecture – by offering an international platform for architecture present new ways of thinking and creating a new vision in architecture The TAB 2021 Curatorial Competition press kit and brief can be downloaded HERE. The deadline for developing the concept of the biennale and submitting the corresponding draft in writing is: May 29th, 2020 4PM Estonian time GMT+3.  Competition entries must be submitted digitally in both Estonian and English to: maria@arhitektuurikeskus.ee.  The competition is composed of two stages. Stage I consists of submitting a project in writing and Stage II is an oral presentation of the project before a jury. If the jury deems that a winner can be chosen in stage I, it is entitled to cancel stage II.  The jury panel is composed of Villem Tomiste (Head of TAB Committee, Head of the Jury), Raul Järg (Director of the Estonian Centre for Architecture), Veronika Valk-Siska (Ministry of Culture, Adviser – Architecture and Design), Liina Soosaar (assistant to TAB 2019 curator), Tiit Trummal (architect), Epp Lankots (Estonian Academy of Arts, Senior Researcher), Johan Tali (architect), with the support of Yael Reisner (Head Curator of TAB 2019) and Vladimir Frolov (Architect) as advisors. The first meeting of the jury will take place on June 10th, 2020, while the second meeting will be held on June 17th, 2020. Final results will be announced in June 2020. Award Fund: 1st prize – €2,000 two 2nd prizes – €1,000 (each) The prize money will be awarded in its entirety regardless of the number of participants in the competition and the outcome of the competition. Questions on the brief may be submitted in Estonian or English to: maria@arhitektuurikeskus.ee   For any further press enquiry, please contact TAB2021’s Press Office, mint LIST (Giulia Milza, Maria Azzurra Rossi): press@mintlist.info Read the full post on Bustler

Tallinn Architecture Biennale 2021 — curatorial competition
Registration Deadline: May 29, 2020; Submission Deadline: May 29, 2020

The Estonian Centre for Architecture launches the Curatorial Competition for the 6th international Tallinn Architecture Biennale (TAB 2021) (https://tab.ee/), in order appoint its Head Curator – or Head Curatorial Team, and to select the most suitable theme related to the context of Estonia and to the contemporary architectural scene for its next edition.

Tallinn Architecture Biennale is an international architecture festival which will take place in Tallinn from September to November 2021, and addresses relevant issues in architecture, delving into the present and the future of the field. The event will consist of a main programme including a Curatorial Exhibition, a two-day architectural Symposium and the Tallinn Vision Competition, led by the Head Curator; and a Satellite Programme encompassing exhibitions, lectures, installations, film projections and other events spread around the city, curated by different coordinators.

TAB’s general goals are to:

  • popularise a quality built environment
  • internationalise Estonian architecture – by offering an international platform for architecture
  • present new ways of thinking and creating a new vision in architecture

The TAB 2021 Curatorial Competition press kit and brief can be downloaded HERE.

The deadline for developing the concept of the biennale and submitting the corresponding draft in writing is: May 29th, 2020 4PM Estonian time GMT+3.  Competition entries must be submitted digitally in both Estonian and English to: maria@arhitektuurikeskus.ee

The competition is composed of two stages. Stage I consists of submitting a project in writing and Stage II is an oral presentation of the project before a jury. If the jury deems that a winner can be chosen in stage I, it is entitled to cancel stage II. 

The jury panel is composed of Villem Tomiste (Head of TAB Committee, Head of the Jury), Raul Järg (Director of the Estonian Centre for Architecture), Veronika Valk-Siska (Ministry of Culture, Adviser – Architecture and Design), Liina Soosaar (assistant to TAB 2019 curator), Tiit Trummal (architect), Epp Lankots (Estonian Academy of Arts, Senior Researcher), Johan Tali (architect), with the support of Yael Reisner (Head Curator of TAB 2019) and Vladimir Frolov (Architect) as advisors.

The first meeting of the jury will take place on June 10th, 2020, while the second meeting will be held on June 17th, 2020. Final results will be announced in June 2020.

Award Fund: 1st prize – €2,000 two 2nd prizes – €1,000 (each)

The prize money will be awarded in its entirety regardless of the number of participants in the competition and the outcome of the competition.

Questions on the brief may be submitted in Estonian or English to: maria@arhitektuurikeskus.ee


For any further press enquiry, please contact TAB2021’s Press Office, mint LIST (Giulia Milza, Maria Azzurra Rossi): press@mintlist.info

Read the full post on Bustler