Tarq Gallery / SquareWorks

Squareworks presents TARQ, a contemporary art gallery project located between two significant and historical urban fabrics of Mumbai. The site is on the ground floor of a 120-year-old building sitting at the eastern edge of the Victorian Gothic style urban fabric, and to the west across from maidan, art deco architecture built between the 1930s to 40s reflecting the modern movement and development of Mumbai. The restoration and transformation of this historic structure into a contemporary art gallery space required careful consideration of its historical significance and integration with modern elements.

Tarq Gallery / SquareWorks
© Studio Charuau © Studio Charuau
  • architects: SquareWorks
  • Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Studio Charuau
  • Area: 300.0 m2

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