The Brick Trader's House / Architecture Studio YEIN

In Korean legends appear so many stories about traders of cattle, salt, silk, and trinketry, but nothing about a brick trader. In British fairy tales, however, a brick house is regarded as a model of robust house as exemplified by the third pig's brick house in Three Little Pigs. In Korea, bricks were used for tombs or burial mounds in the ancient times and with stones for the royal palace gates or Suwon Hwaseong Fortress in the Joseon Dynasty. Now easily available everywhere, bricks are affordable so as to be used for structural or decorative materials.

The Brick Trader's House / Architecture Studio YEIN
© Joonhwan Yoon © Joonhwan Yoon
  • architects: Architecture Studio YEIN
  • Location: Gangneung, Gangwon, South Korea
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Joonhwan Yoon
  • Area: 415.0 m2

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