The Broken House / NPS Arquitectos

It was probably a few hours after the "Grândola Vila Morena"1 by Zeca Afonso, echoed on the telephony, the 2nd 'password-song’ of a revolution that would free Portugal from a dictatorial regime, on 25 April 1974, that a journey which had begun a few months earlier was abruptly interrupted. The construction site was abandoned that same day, becoming a kind of contemporary ruin of an anonymous residential building. 42 years later the process was retaken, redefining a new journey to turn this peculiar lot into a House – Atelier.

The Broken House / NPS Arquitectos
© Cunha Pimentel © Cunha Pimentel
  • architects: NPS ARQUITECTOS
  • Location: Oporto, Portugal
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Cunha Pimentel
  • Area: 170.0 m2

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