The Dark Side of Density: The Tragic Emergence of Windowless Bedrooms in the U.S.

Juan Miró, co-founder of Miró Rivera Architects reflects in an opinion piece on the student housing situation in the United States. The architect explores different dormitory conditions across the country and questions whether these leading public universities "enthusiastically endorse the idea of putting thousands of its students in windowless rooms in the name of density and efficiency".

The Dark Side of Density: The Tragic Emergence of Windowless Bedrooms in the U.S.
Munger Hall Campus. Image Courtesy of Juan Miró Munger Hall Campus. Image Courtesy of Juan Miró

Juan Miró, co-founder of Miró Rivera Architects reflects in an opinion piece on the student housing situation in the United States. The architect explores different dormitory conditions across the country and questions whether these leading public universities "enthusiastically endorse the idea of putting thousands of its students in windowless rooms in the name of density and efficiency".

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