The Heart Pavilion / CLAB

Like The Heart Archive, which is hidden in the woods by the sea, the artist hopes that the Heartbeat Museum will also be “hidden.” The site of the building is located on the side of the mountain in the canyon, and the architects sink the entire building into the mountain only through a curved road in the woods can you enter The Heart Pavilion. A road winding from the woods into the Heartbeat Museum, with the sound of synchronized ventricle heartbeats in the woods on both sides of the road.

The Heart Pavilion / CLAB
exterior exterior
  • architects: CLAB
  • Location: Xiannu Mountain, Wulong District, Chongqing, China
  • Project Year: 2019
  • Photographs: Yuan Yao
  • Photographs: Courtesy of CLAB
  • Area: 195.0 m2

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