The Hungarian Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale Explores Ways of Managing the Socialist Architectural Heritage

The Hungarian Pavilion at the 17th Venice Biennale explores the often challenging socialist architecture and looks at how this heritage could be reconsidered and given a new future. Titled Othernity – Reconditioning our Modern Heritage, the exhibition curated by Dániel Kovács presents twelve iconic modern buildings of Budapest and the visions of twelve architecture practices from Central and Eastern Europe for their reconditioning. The Hungarian Pavilion's project looks into how architecture can build on its past to foster resilience, sustainability and strong cultural identities.

The Hungarian Pavilion at the 2021 Venice Biennale Explores Ways of Managing the Socialist Architectural Heritage
Courtesy of Hungarian Pavilion, Othernity – Reconditioning our Modern Heritage Courtesy of Hungarian Pavilion, Othernity – Reconditioning our Modern Heritage

The Hungarian Pavilion at the 17th Venice Biennale explores the often challenging socialist architecture and looks at how this heritage could be reconsidered and given a new future. Titled Othernity – Reconditioning our Modern Heritage, the exhibition curated by Dániel Kovács presents twelve iconic modern buildings of Budapest and the visions of twelve architecture practices from Central and Eastern Europe for their reconditioning. The Hungarian Pavilion's project looks into how architecture can build on its past to foster resilience, sustainability and strong cultural identities.

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