The International Garden Festival Celebrates its 25th Anniversary

Grand-Métis, CanadaInternational Garden Festival | Reford Gardens Landscape Architecture, Culture, Event + Exhibition, Garden + Terrace, Installation + Public art, TravelAnniversary Program Unveiled The Reford Gardens International Garden Festival will present its 25th edition from June 22 to October 6, 2024, on the theme The Ecology of Possibility. For this milestone year, the Festival has several surprises in store for visitors on the opening weekend on June 22 and 23.Discussion Days - Unfolding PossibilitiesThe 25th edition will kick off with the entertaining and thought-provoking Discussion Day. ... (continued)

The International Garden Festival Celebrates its 25th Anniversary

Grand-Métis, Canada
International Garden Festival | Reford Gardens
Landscape Architecture, Culture, Event + Exhibition, Garden + Terrace, Installation + Public art, Travel
Anniversary Program Unveiled
The Reford Gardens International Garden Festival will present its 25th edition from June 22 to October 6, 2024, on the theme The Ecology of Possibility. For this milestone year, the Festival has several surprises in store for visitors on the opening weekend on June 22 and 23.

Discussion Days - Unfolding Possibilities
The 25th edition will kick off with the entertaining and thought-provoking Discussion Day. ... (continued)