The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Announces MCHAP Outstanding Projects

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) announced the 48 outstanding projects selected by the MCHAP 2022 jury. From the body of nominated projects, the jury elected 38 entries in MCHAP as outstanding among other submissions. The fourth prize cycle considers built works completed in the Americas between January 2018 to December 2021, nominated by an anonymous network of international experts and professionals.

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Announces MCHAP Outstanding Projects
2050 M Street by REX, Washington, United States. Image © Alan Karchmer / Iwan Baan 2050 M Street by REX, Washington, United States. Image © Alan Karchmer / Iwan Baan

The Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) announced the 48 outstanding projects selected by the MCHAP 2022 jury. From the body of nominated projects, the jury elected 38 entries in MCHAP as outstanding among other submissions. The fourth prize cycle considers built works completed in the Americas between January 2018 to December 2021, nominated by an anonymous network of international experts and professionals.

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