The New Cabin, Second Edition

Registration Deadline: Nov 2, 2021; Submission Deadline: Nov 10, 2021 THE NEW CABIN - Second EDITION Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura Queremos proponer The New Cabin, Second Edition como parte de ese futuro, un segundo hogar, un escape temporal, un refugio o, por qué no, una vivienda permanente de personas con estilos de vida más flexibles. There is a strong trend towards living in simpler and more efficient homes, increasing the connection with nature and being offline. The possibilities generated by the increase of the home office in these years will cause alternative lifestyles to proliferate, and for this, architecture and design must provide new answers. We want to propose The New Cabin Second Edition as part of that future, a second home, a temporary escape, a refuge or, why not, a permanent home for people with more flexible lifestyles.Read the full post on Bustler

The New Cabin, Second Edition
Registration Deadline: Nov 2, 2021; Submission Deadline: Nov 10, 2021

Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura

Queremos proponer The New Cabin, Second Edition como parte de ese futuro, un segundo hogar, un escape temporal, un refugio o, por qué no, una vivienda permanente de personas con estilos de vida más flexibles.

There is a strong trend towards living in simpler and more efficient homes, increasing the connection with nature and being offline.

The possibilities generated by the increase of the home office in these years will cause alternative lifestyles to proliferate, and for this, architecture and design must provide new answers.

We want to propose The New Cabin Second Edition as part of that future, a second home, a temporary escape, a refuge or, why not, a permanent home for people with more flexible lifestyles.

Read the full post on Bustler