The Next 100 Years Project - Architect Edition
Registration Deadline: Jun 15, 2020; Submission Deadline: Jun 15, 2020 With The Next 100 Years Project – Architect Edition, we invite architects to speculate on the built environment after the pandemic. It can be a simple cocktail napkin sketch or an elaborate drawing. It can illustrate the smallest detail or the broadest brush stroke of public or private space. It can be pencil or charcoal or crayon or even watercolor, but it has to be done by hand. We also ask architects to write a 100-word essay that describes their image and their vision for the future. The entries will be judged by a panel of design professionals and the best 100 entries will be selected for a digital book of the project. If selected, your page in the book will feature your image, your essay, your headshot, and a brief bio. It will also include the option to hear you read your essay out loud. There is no charge to enter. There is no compensation for selected entries. When completed, the digital book will be available online and there will be no charge to view it and download it. Read the full post on Bustler

With The Next 100 Years Project – Architect Edition, we invite architects to speculate on the built environment after the pandemic. It can be a simple cocktail napkin sketch or an elaborate drawing. It can illustrate the smallest detail or the broadest brush stroke of public or private space. It can be pencil or charcoal or crayon or even watercolor, but it has to be done by hand. We also ask architects to write a 100-word essay that describes their image and their vision for the future. The entries will be judged by a panel of design professionals and the best 100 entries will be selected for a digital book of the project. If selected, your page in the book will feature your image, your essay, your headshot, and a brief bio. It will also include the option to hear you read your essay out loud. There is no charge to enter. There is no compensation for selected entries. When completed, the digital book will be available online and there will be no charge to view it and download it. Read the full post on Bustler