The Origin of Life Museum / Fenhom·URO

In China, sex culture has always been a topic that people are ashamed to discuss. Sex education in China is deficient, and the output of sex education is usually wrong. A year ago the design team was given the task of designing a sexual culture museum in the Pengzu Mountain. Peng Zu realized longevity and health preservation through chamber technique, guiding technique, and dietary technique. The culture hall of the Origin of life focuses on peng Zu's research on chamber technique and related education and popular science. What kind of sexual culture museum can attract people to learn about it? Ying Zhang who designed this museum, an architect and interior designer who graduated from Harvard, said the sex culture exhibition hall should popularize sex culture education and life education to people through artistic expression so that the sex culture education exhibition hall is no longer a place that people refuse to avoid, but people can look like a piece of art.

The Origin of Life Museum / Fenhom·URO
© Arch-Exist © Arch-Exist
  • architects: Fenhom·URO
  • Location: Pengzu Mountain Scenic Spot, Pengshan District, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, China
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Arch-Exist
  • Photographs: HUASHENGSTUDIO
  • Area: 1300.0 m2

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