The Qinchang Village Town Hall / Studio 10

The Qinchang Village Town hall is located directly to the east of the Qinchang Village CPC Community Center in Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province. It is the second phase of the Qinchang Village CPC Center Complex. While Phase I on the west side accommodates mostly non-profit community services programs and ceremonial spaces, the east side focuses on the introduction of small local businesses as well as cultural and recreational programs, including a store selling local farm produce and handicrafts souvenirs, a small café, a restaurant, a gallery as well as a children’s library. The space here is both a medium and a “generator” to create potential employment and start-up business opportunities for the villagers, exploring an “innovative and sustainable" model of the economic and cultural revitalization of the rural communities.

The Qinchang Village Town Hall / Studio 10
Two-story gallery with library cafe at the east side. Image © Chao Zhang Two-story gallery with library cafe at the east side. Image © Chao Zhang
  • architects: Studio 10
  • Location: Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, China
  • Project Year: 2021
  • Photographs: Chao Zhang
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Studio 10
  • Area: 892.0 m2

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