The Rye Apartments / Tikari Works

The Rye Apartments is a development of 10 sustainable apartments on a highly visible corner site opposite Peckham Rye Park in London. A mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units are set in two blocks that form the termination of an urban block. Through careful analysis of privacy, daylight, and neighbouring building forms the studio developed an architectural language which would complement the surrounding context and history. Through a process of transformation, the buildings share a sibling relationship with their neighbourhood and with each other, without relying on pastiche or obvious reference. This relationship is grounded by a concrete plinth which extends the full length of the site and helps to resolve changes in site-level whilst enclosing bicycle + bin storage spaces and providing shelter from the busy main road.

The Rye Apartments / Tikari Works
© Jack Hobhouse © Jack Hobhouse

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