The Tree House

Registration Deadline: Apr 20, 2021; Submission Deadline: Apr 29, 2021 Concurso Internacional de ArquitecturaThe Tree House For many, "the tree house " has been one of the first self-managed constructions. In this contest we are going to explore the relationship between the house and the tree , and how these two elements can generate a dialogue. We rescued that first natural impulse to build a house in a tree to have the possibility of revisiting it with more tools. With a new awareness of the changes that society needs to manage.  There is a personality test called "the house, the tree and the person" where representation techniques are studied in relation to the person (HTP test in English), although it is very interesting, what we are looking for in this contest is that the relationships between these elements be explored and innovated. Para muchos “la casa del árbol” ha sido una de las primeras construcciones autogestionadas. En este concurso vamos a explorar la relación entre la casa y el árbol, y como esos dos elementos pueden generar un dialogo.1º Premio: U$D 1200+ Exposición en nuestros Medios y Difusión en los Principales sitios de arquitectura. Read the full post on Bustler

The Tree House
Registration Deadline: Apr 20, 2021; Submission Deadline: Apr 29, 2021

Concurso Internacional de Arquitectura
The Tree House

For many, "the tree house " has been one of the first self-managed constructions. In this contest we are going to explore the relationship between the house and the tree , and how these two elements can generate a dialogue. We rescued that first natural impulse to build a house in a tree to have the possibility of revisiting it with more tools. With a new awareness of the changes that society needs to manage. 

There is a personality test called "the house, the tree and the person" where representation techniques are studied in relation to the person (HTP test in English), although it is very interesting, what we are looking for in this contest is that the relationships between these elements be explored and innovated.

Para muchos “la casa del árbol” ha sido una de las primeras construcciones autogestionadas. En este concurso vamos a explorar la relación entre la casa y el árbol, y como esos dos elementos pueden generar un dialogo.

1º Premio: U$D 1200
+ Exposición en nuestros Medios y Difusión en los Principales sitios de arquitectura.

Read the full post on Bustler