Tree Elements retreat

The property will have 3 fully equipped wooden treehouses named Earth, Water & Wind with the main house representing the Fire element, the gathering place and the owners home. The size of each treehouse is 40 m2 (430ft2), all containing a living space, fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom on one floor, while the gallery features a king size bed. It can easily fit 4 people. The living room opens out to a lovely wooden terrace through beautiful glass doors. "Tree Elements" will be built with sustainability in mind. To reduce the impact on the environment, the retreat uses ecological infrastructure such as heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and bio septic sewage systems. Water-saving showers and low-water toilets add to conservation efforts, along with locally sourced furniture. Most products will be bought from small local producers making a difference, neighboring farms, or from their own organic garden.

Tree Elements retreat

The property will have 3 fully equipped wooden treehouses named Earth, Water & Wind with the main house representing the Fire element, the gathering place and the owners home. The size of each treehouse is 40 m2 (430ft2), all containing a living space, fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom on one floor, while the gallery features a king size bed. It can easily fit 4 people. The living room opens out to a lovely wooden terrace through beautiful glass doors. "Tree Elements" will be built with sustainability in mind. To reduce the impact on the environment, the retreat uses ecological infrastructure such as heat pumps, rainwater harvesting and bio septic sewage systems. Water-saving showers and low-water toilets add to conservation efforts, along with locally sourced furniture. Most products will be bought from small local producers making a difference, neighboring farms, or from their own organic garden.

The main house, Fire element, the gathering place
Treehouses Earth & Wind in the background
Treehouse Water