True Or False? 5 Common Energy-Saving Myths Debunked
Saving energy is not only great for the environment but also for your budget. Energy bills can be quite pricey, so it doesn’t hurt to try to cut down on them. Plus, you are reducing your carbon footprint at the same time! It’s sustainable in all the right ways! However, technology is ever-changing and we must adapt to it. The smallest of changes in your lifestyle, habits, and home can make a huge difference. But some energy-saving tips you see floating around the Internet may be causing you harm. While they may have had validity a long time ago as...

Saving energy is not only great for the environment but also for your budget. Energy bills can be quite pricey, so it doesn’t hurt to try to cut down on them. Plus, you are reducing your carbon footprint at the same time! It’s sustainable in all the right ways! However, technology is ever-changing and we must adapt to it. The smallest of changes in your lifestyle, habits, and home can make a huge difference. But some energy-saving tips you see floating around the Internet may be causing you harm. While they may have had validity a long time ago as technology has evolved they simply aren’t accurate anymore. Not only are these old tips not useful they may even be costing you money. That’s why today we are going to take a look at some common energy-saving myths and see what is still relevant and what simply isn’t true.
Saving energy is not only great for the environment but also for your budget
Common Energy-Saving Myths
Even the smallest of changes can help you save energy and cut down on your bills. However, problems arise when you think you are doing yourself a favor when in reality you are causing more damage. That’s why they say knowledge is power. Many energy-saving tips you come across online aren’t necessarily lies, rather they are outdated. Technology has evolved as well as how appliances use up energy. So, today we will have a refresher and bust some of these old energy-saving myths, so you can avoid them and actually start to save energy.
Even the smallest of changes can help you save energy and cut down on your bills
#Close the vents
Myth: Closing the vents in rooms you don’t use will help you save energy
Fact: Don’t worry, many of us have fallen prey to this tip. It simply seems logical. That is why many of us do not question it. Of course, closing the vents in rooms you don’t occupy is good, that means all the hot or cold air will be directed to the areas you do use. Or is that really the case? The truth is closing up vents can cause pressure to build up, as well as leaks in your HVAC ducts. This then starts to waste more energy that you “save”. Not only that but you also reduce the total amount o air flow, which reduces the effectiveness of your system.
Closing up vents can cause pressure to build up
#Hand-washing is more efficient
Myth: Washing your dishes by hand saves more energy and water than using the dishwasher
Fact: This one may have been true a long time ago, nowadays, this is bogus. Dishwashers have come a long way since they first came out. Washing your dishes by hand actually uses up more hot water than your dishwasher should. Most new appliances are designed to be energy efficient. You simply need to load it the right way for it to work its best.
Dishwashers have come a long way since they first came out
#If it’s off, it’s not using power
Myth: Appliances that are turned off but plugged in don’t use any excess power
Fact: Plugged-in appliances from fridges to phones still draw power even if you have turned them off. They are energy vampires. Just because something may not be working actively in your eyes it doesn’t mean that it isn’t racking up your energy bill. So, if you don’t use certain electronics that often, it’s best to unplug them. Especially, if you are going to be away from home for longer.
Make sure to unplugged appliances you don’t use
#Using an electrical space heater is more efficient
Myth: Using an electrical space heater in occupied rooms is cheaper than turning on the whole heating system
Fact: While it may seem logical that using a space heater to warm up the space you are occupying then using the system to heat up every room even those you are not using is the better option. Well, as logical as it is, this is false! Space heaters use up more energy than your heating system. And we are talking about way more energy. So, ditch the heater.
Space heaters use up more energy than your heating system
#Turning things on and off is costly
Myth: Turning devices, appliances, and the lights on and off constantly uses more electricity than simply leaving them on
Fact: While turning on something, like the lights, causes an initial burst of energy this doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be turned off after a while. Turning things on and off is completely fine. The initial burst only lasts fractions of a second, so it won’t make your energy bill costly. However, leaving things constantly on in order to avoid this burst of energy will cost you money, and it simply isn’t energy efficient.
Turning things on and off is completely fine
These are some common energy-saving myths that it was time to debunk! We hope you found this article useful. Now that you know which tips are real and which are bogus, you can truly start saving energy and cutting down costs!
These are some common energy-saving myths that it was time to debunk