Two Copper Towers Form a Tiny Retreat in Australia

Panels raise to open the off-grid cabin to the landscape, providing shaded views over the rolling hills.

Two Copper Towers Form a Tiny Retreat in Australia

Panels raise to open the off-grid cabin to the landscape, providing shaded views over the rolling hills.

On a lush green hillside in Berry, Australia, rests one of the latest designs by Casey Brown Architecture. The two-tower structure, known as Permanent Camping II, was crafted for a client seeking an off-grid refuge that promoted minimalist vibes and a simple lifestyle.

Photo by Andrew J Loiterton

According to the firm, it is "a retreat with everything you need, the demands of living distilled to the essentials." At just around 100 square feet, the small yet well-equipped cabin offers a living space on the lower level and a sleeping area perched up above.

Photo by Andrew J Loiterton

Photo by Andrew J Loiterton

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