Um cenário de cor na nova Ala Pediátrica do Hospital de São João do Porto / ARG Studio

'Let's go fly a kite?' – the architecture and the illustration, a bond through an installation. The new Pediatric Ward of Hospital São João in Porto, after years of expectation and media attention, has become the benchmark for the renovation and innovation of the Portuguese Healthcare System. On that note, the Hospital Administration had the vision of not only ensure the highest degree of treatment services but also assure the well-being, comfort, and joy of the young patients. With this in mind, they have chosen a multidisciplinary team to project an image, a setting and an environment for the Ward's social spaces, circulation and leisure areas. The challenge was to establish a bond between the architectural language of the Leisure Area and the illustrated narrative throughout the building corridors. Architecture set the color, the color engaged the Illustration, and the Illustration found the main character: the kite. The kite flew out the drawings into the Ward's entrance, the place where this story begins.

Um cenário de cor na nova Ala Pediátrica do Hospital de São João do Porto / ARG Studio
© Ivo Tavares Studio © Ivo Tavares Studio

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