University of Michigan seeking Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Fellowships focusing on Racial and Spatial Justice in Ann Arbor, MI, US

The University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning seeks applications for two fellowships focusing on racial and spatial justice - one in architecture and urban design focusing on the built environment and one in urban planning and/or architecture with a designated role as a co-investigator on our Egalitarian Metropolis research project. Both are two-year fellowships. The fellowships at Taubman College are among the oldest and most recognized positions of their kind. While at Taubman, fellows develop their work and teaching within an intellectually diverse and dynamic academic context composed of dedicated faculty and talented students from around the world.  Each of the fellowships includes teaching related to the candidate’s area of interest, resources for the development of work, possibilities to interface with scholars and researchers in the wider university context, and the opportunity to share the outcome of the fellowship with the college. Fellows s...

University of Michigan seeking Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning Fellowships focusing on Racial and Spatial Justice in Ann Arbor, MI, US

The University of Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning seeks applications for two fellowships focusing on racial and spatial justice - one in architecture and urban design focusing on the built environment and one in urban planning and/or architecture with a designated role as a co-investigator on our Egalitarian Metropolis research project. Both are two-year fellowships.

The fellowships at Taubman College are among the oldest and most recognized positions of their kind. While at Taubman, fellows develop their work and teaching within an intellectually diverse and dynamic academic context composed of dedicated faculty and talented students from around the world.  Each of the fellowships includes teaching related to the candidate’s area of interest, resources for the development of work, possibilities to interface with scholars and researchers in the wider university context, and the opportunity to share the outcome of the fellowship with the college. Fellows s...