University of New Mexico seeking Assistant Professor of Architecture in Albuquerque, NM, US
University of New Mexico, School of Architecture + Planning,Department of Architecture Assistant Professor of Architecture The UNM Department of Architecture seeks applicants for an Assistant Professor of Architecture. We invite applications for a full-time faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor probationary appointment, leading to a tenure decision. Applications received on or before January 7, 2022 will have best consideration. The positions will remain open until filled. The appointment commences August, 2022. The successful candidate will teach two architectural design studios during the academic year (one graduate and one undergraduate), as well as a required lecture/seminar course in our curriculum, and a seminar focused on their scholarly or research agenda. We seek applicants that have a demonstrated capacity for critical inquiry into architectural design issues as they apply to a broad range of changing global conditions including, but not l...

University of New Mexico, School of Architecture + Planning,Department of Architecture
Assistant Professor of Architecture
The UNM Department of Architecture seeks applicants for an Assistant Professor of Architecture. We invite applications for a full-time faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor probationary appointment, leading to a tenure decision. Applications received on or before January 7, 2022 will have best consideration. The positions will remain open until filled. The appointment commences August, 2022.
The successful candidate will teach two architectural design studios during the academic year (one graduate and one undergraduate), as well as a required lecture/seminar course in our curriculum, and a seminar focused on their scholarly or research agenda.
We seek applicants that have a demonstrated capacity for critical inquiry into architectural design issues as they apply to a broad range of changing global conditions including, but not l...