UP House / cumuloLimbo studio

UPHouse is the tail of an implant, the introduction of a space of intimate scale into another space, which, within a domestic diagram, is exposed and social. The project adds 50% more area to the apartment by installing a light steel structure and a staircase that allows access to the new upper floor. To support this floor, six frames that would stabilize and distribute the weight, are located parallel to the walls and surrounding the central and only closed room of the house, the restroom.

UP House / cumuloLimbo studio
© Javier de Paz García © Javier de Paz García
  • architects: cumuloLimbo studio
  • Location: Calle de Servator, 28043 Madrid, Spain
  • Project Year: 2018
  • Photographs: Javier de Paz García
  • Area: 90.0 m2

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