Urban Requalification of the Colina Sagrada do Senhor do Bonfim / Sotero Arquitetos

The urban requalification of the “Colina Sagrada do Senhor do Bonfim” is a project involving the redesign of one of the most important spaces in the city of Salvador da Bahia. It includes three plazas: Praça Teodósio Rodrigues de Faria, Largo do Bonfim and Praça Eusébio de Matos, reaching 36.050,00 m². The site topography depicts a 22 m high difference between levels, which suggests different uses on each one of them. While on its top-level uses are determined by visitors' religious and cultural manifestations, the lowest ones shelter secular programs, such as retail, services, and leisure.

Urban Requalification of the Colina Sagrada do Senhor do Bonfim / Sotero Arquitetos
© Leonardo Finotti © Leonardo Finotti

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