Volvo Circle Pavilion / Studio Heech

Volvo Circle Pavilion, made entirely of lightweight and minimal materials, speaks of a vision for sustainability. It was planned not only to create something beautiful but also to ensure that the materials used were fully reused and recycled and that they were circulated and found new uses while minimizing the environmental impact. The paper-thin and light Tyvek covering the pavilion's structure is dismantled and reused as recycled plastic boards for public furniture, while the puzzle benches made using forged and neglected structural wood are fully recycled and donated. The minimal steel structure that safely supports the pavilion is disassembled and reused, and almost all elements are prefabricated and installed on-site to reduce the environmental impact and carbon emissions generated at the construction site.

Volvo Circle Pavilion / Studio Heech
Courtesy of Studio Heech Courtesy of Studio Heech
  • architects: Studio Heech
  • Location: South Korea
  • Project Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Courtesy of Studio Heech

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