We Should Be So Lucky House / Multiplicity

This little house, originally designed by architect David Luck, is a well-recognized, iconic part of its urban streetscape. However, despite being less than 10 years old, the exterior required considerable remediation for it to shine into the future, and the interior to be reworked to eradicate builder faults and fulfill our client/s needs. Our philosophy when either renovating or adapting architecture for reuse is to re-purpose what we can. We are respectful of what is good and analytical of what can be made of what is there, intervening decisively and of our time as/where needed. 

We Should Be So Lucky House / Multiplicity
© Emma Cross © Emma Cross
  • architects: Multiplicity
  • Location: Melbourne, Australia
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Emma Cross
  • Area: 60.0 m2

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