What Can Be Done to Make Interiors More Sustainable?

In interior design – and many other design disciplines – it is much easier to be unsustainable. Buying or developing custom solutions for a room often requires less time and research than purchasing second-hand materials or concern for waste flow and the circular economy.

What Can Be Done to Make Interiors More Sustainable?
Weekend Shelter / Agora Arquitectura. Image © Joan Casals Pañella Weekend Shelter / Agora Arquitectura. Image © Joan Casals Pañella

In interior design – and many other design disciplines – it is much easier to be unsustainable. Buying or developing custom solutions for a room often requires less time and research than purchasing second-hand materials or concern for waste flow and the circular economy.

But the construction and decoration industry can no longer afford the luxury of ignoring the environmental impacts caused by their activities.

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