What will Smart Cities Look like in the Future?

Karlsruhe, Germany3deluxeInstitutional Architecture, Commercial Architecture, Office, Sustainable Development Game-Changing, Intelligent Façade for 3deluxe's New Building In recent years much has been said about smart cities and smart buildings but people rarely understand what the label can actually mean in real terms. Together with Merck and FC Ingenieure in Karlsruhe as developers, the architects at 3deluxe have succeeded in coming up with an attractive building ensemble with an interesting, innovative glass façade which adds a fascinating new facet to intelligent arch... (continued)

What will Smart Cities Look like in the Future?

Karlsruhe, Germany
Institutional Architecture, Commercial Architecture, Office, Sustainable Development
Game-Changing, Intelligent Façade for 3deluxe's New Building

In recent years much has been said about smart cities and smart buildings but people rarely understand what the label can actually mean in real terms. Together with Merck and FC Ingenieure in Karlsruhe as developers, the architects at 3deluxe have succeeded in coming up with an attractive building ensemble with an interesting, innovative glass façade which adds a fascinating new facet to intelligent arch... (continued)