When It Comes to Design for the Disabled, Let the Science Lead the Process

This article was originally published on Common Edge

When It Comes to Design for the Disabled, Let the Science Lead the Process
Orfield Laboratories’ Anechoic Chamber, “the quietest place on earth.”. Image © Steven J. Orfield Orfield Laboratories’ Anechoic Chamber, “the quietest place on earth.”. Image © Steven J. Orfield

This article was originally published on Common Edge

Steven J. Orfield's firm, Orfield Laboratories (OL), has spent 50 years in architectural design, research, and testing, dedicated to the premise that what matters in design is the end user, because design in the absence of user comfort, preference, and satisfaction is a failure. In this process, the firm has developed building performance standards for most commercial building types, and has now added to those standards the requirements for half of the world: people who are perceptually and cognitively disabled (PCD). The expense in doing this has been significant, but it has been one of the most important quests in Orfield's life.

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