Why DIY Electric Repairs Are A No Go

Fixing electrical wirings may seem like an easy task, but trust us when we say that it can get tricky at any moment.  Sure, there are some projects that you can manage all by yourself, such as replacing light switches or changing outlet covers. But for more advanced jobs, it is best to get a […] The post Why DIY Electric Repairs Are A No Go appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..

Why DIY Electric Repairs Are A No Go

Fixing electrical wirings may seem like an easy task, but trust us when we say that it can get tricky at any moment. 

Sure, there are some projects that you can manage all by yourself, such as replacing light switches or changing outlet covers. But for more advanced jobs, it is best to get a trained expert to do it for you. Be it upgrading electrical wires or regular maintenance of electrical fixtures; it is best to take the help of an expert to ensure safety. 

You might feel that you can fix the wirings by watching a video tutorial on the internet, but more often than not, these kinds of endeavors end badly. That’s why in this guide, we will take you through some of the most crucial reasons why you should never try to engage in DIY electrical repairs. 

So, without further ado, let’s take a look! 

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Reasons To Avoid DIY Electric Repairs

  1. Failed Inspections

Let’s put this simply: if the local safety bodies need you to get an electrical permit for the house, it is essential that you follow its guidelines while doing any electrical repair. 

A licensed inspector is assigned to your home to check if all the electrical wiring and installations are in accordance with the code requirements, and safe. The electrical inspectors are trained and equipped to check if all the connections are okay and that they do not pose any unwanted threat to the people staying in the house. 

Hence, we always suggest that you should not engage in any DIY electrical repairs because you might not know the regulations. And the inspectors will easily detect them when they inspect the house during the selling process.

If they detect even one electrical repair that has been made without a permit, it could get you into a lot of trouble. Besides, you will probably lose your prospective buyer as their inspector will notify them about this issue without fail. 

In the worst-case scenario, you will have to pay a hefty fine when they inform the local authority bodies too. Long story short, will end up incurring all these unnecessary expenses prior to the close of the sale. 

And do not for a moment think that in case your DIY electrical work is not detected before the sale of the house, you won’t be held accountable later. The buyer of your home may even take legal action against you for not disclosing unpermitted work before the sale! 

  1. Shock

We understand how DIY repairs are cheaper, but what’s the point if you end up with hefty medical bills? You might be a little confused about how that can happen, unless you have forgotten about the hazard of electrical shocks. 

When you are working with electricity, one of the major concerns is to avoid getting shocked. It does not matter how powerful the voltage is; electrical shocks are risky all the time. And the more the voltage, the higher are the chances of fatality.

Most of the appliances used in a house, such as ovens and hairdryers have a voltage of 240V, which is dangerous for your body. Even the regular lights and plugs come with 110V, which is enough to give you a sudden jolt. This is one of the main reasons why professional electricians  have to undergo years of training to work safely around electricity. 

They are trained to minimize all forms of risk, be it long-term or short-term. Moreover, they have the proper knowledge to determine which wiring should go where and why. If you do not have appropriate training, understanding these electrical components and their dos and don’ts might seem quite tricky.

Most of the DIY enthusiasts we have encountered forget to turn off the breaker when conducting electrical repairs. And sometimes, they even turn off the wrong breaker, which causes severe damages

So, in case you see that a light bulb has suddenly started flickering or is getting dimmed automatically, get in touch with a qualified professional. 

  1. Insurance Concerns

Insurance companies have all the right to deny any insurance claim if you tamper with the wiring. When you do not have a licensed technician making the repairs, the chances are that the insurance company will highlight your negligence in this regard. And this might lead to the cancellation of your claims. 

Remember that your home is your responsibility. And if there are faulty wirings or repairs, everyone will deem you responsible for that. If you fail to check the wirings before moving into a house or carry out even minor electrical modifications without considering the permit, the accountability will ultimately fall on you. 

Under such circumstances, the insurance company will deny your claims, even if your house catches fire due to the wrong wiring or repair. So, it is always a good idea to get your wirings and permits checked by a licensed professional before moving into a new house. Then you do not have to go through the unnecessary hassle of carrying the burden of negligence. 

Honestly, hiring a qualified electrician is far less cheap than paying for a denied insurance claim. 

  1. Taking The Law In Your Hands

In most areas across the globe, you would need a special permit to get electric work done. This helps ensure that all necessary safety protocols are taken care of and followed. Even when you hire a skilled electrician, they need to have a license and a permit to declare the house safe to reside. 

Some local authority bodies make it illegal for a technician to conduct electrical work without a valid license. So, if you are caught red-handed working on an electrical line without a valid permit, you might even face jail time. 

Similarly, in some areas, you are allowed to conduct such repairs only when it involves a low voltage operation. It is permitted because in case you mess up, the risks are pretty low. On the other hand, working with industrial equipment or a public meter without a valid licence can be considered a crime as the risks are incredibly high. 

In case you are wondering what is allowed, let us give you a quick glimpse:

  • Repairing fixtures
  • Replacing wires and fuse cartridges
  • Changing switches

These exceptions may, however, vary depending on the part of the world where you are located. So, never forget to check with your local law implementation bodies before embarking on any electrical mission. It is always advisable to ensure that what you are doing falls under the purview of the law. 

Keep in mind that when you have to install a new wiring system, you must get in touch with a licensed electrical inspector. And he would connect it to the electrical supply only when they deem fit. 

  1. Fire Hazards

You would be surprised to know that in a lot of countries, more people get killed because of house fires than any natural hazards every year. And when you conduct a little more research, you would find that the leading cause behind these fires is faulty electric supplies. So, you can understand how risky it can get when you try to fix the electrical problems using DIY skills. 

When you think of not taking anyone’s help, remember that might bring you more trouble than good. If it does not meet the required safety standards, there’s always a risk of things going haywire. 

Homeowners usually do not have pro-level electrical knowledge and might not understand the problem that naked wires or faulty wirings indicate. If luck is not on your side, your house might even catch a huge fire. 

The worst part of messed-up electrical wiring is that the problems go undetected for a long time until it gets too late. You might be under the misconception that everything is well and fine only to have a sudden electric spark in your house one day. 

If there is an unexpected surge in electrical flow, a fire might break out and engulf your entire house, which is not something that you would want. As they say, prevention is better than cure, so always get a trained electrician to fix such problems, no matter how insignificant they appear.

  1. Routine Inspections

The electrical connections in your house do not get checked only once when you move in. In many areas, there are regular mandatory inspections made by the local government bodies to ensure the safety of the residents. 

So, if you indulge in DIY repairs and get caught during any of these inspections, you might totally get into trouble. And when you fail to pass these routine tests, you might have to incur unwanted fines. 

Moreover, if you plan to rent the property, even then, you will get into a fix. Federal bodies would conduct checks for quality assurance. When they find that you have undertaken DIY repairs that are considered illegal, there’s no way you will be let go. 

Therefore, as responsible citizens, it is always best to find trained technicians to get electrical installations and repairs done and not brush shoulders with the legal bodies. Unless you are a qualified technician with a license, do not think of fixing electrical wirings by yourself. 

  1. Hidden Costs

As we have mentioned earlier, the chances of making small and unnoticeable mistakes are a lot higher when you do not have proper training. What you consider as a quick fix might eventually lead to more significant problems. Not only can they lead to short circuits, but they can also result in costly future repairs. 

Electrical work is no child’s play, and a trial and error strategy is not the smartest thing to follow. Your lack of proper understanding may have dangerous implications on the electrical project that you embark on. 

Apart from that, if someone in your house gets injured due to a blotched wire, the injuries may be life threatening and uncovered by insurance. You will have to pay for the medical bills on your own, as the insurance company will surely deny the claims. 

And if you are trying to sell the house and get caught with blotched wiring, the chances are that you will be asked to redo it. That would either mean that you lose out on the sale or hire a trained technician to change the entire wiring system, which may well cost you thousands of dollars.

  1. Frustration Of Unfinished Projects

It often happens that you start with a project only to eventually realize that it is far more complicated than you imagined. And this leads to unaccomplished DIY missions!.

Not being able to finish an electrical project can be quite hazardous and risky. At times, you can get way over your head. As a result, you may end up overestimating your capacities. But once you realize the lack of expertise, abandoning the project becomes the only alternative.

That said, if you are still persistent about getting things done all by yourself, it is best to gain advanced knowledge about electrical workings. For this, you can enroll in a course and learn all that you need to know about advanced electrical functioning. 

Only when you receive a license after thorough learning will you be able to make the repairs legally. And when you have the necessary knowledge and permits, there will be fewer chances of injuries and troubles.

Final Words

That’s all we had for you today!

By now, you must have understood the kind of damage an unprofessional DIY electrical work can pose to your house. You might not be aware of the right kind of wires or switches and end up in a complete mess without even realizing. And that might become an expensive mistake. For that reason, we always suggest that you get an expert to do the job!

When you feel like making DIY changes to the house, we suggest sticking to painting and decoration work as that would hardly endanger your safety. 

On that note, we will say goodbye. If you have any queries, feel free to write to us in the comments section below. 

Take care!


The post Why DIY Electric Repairs Are A No Go appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..