Winners of Buildner's latest Architectural Visualization Award showcase the possibilities of visual storytelling

Buildner announces winners of the 2023 Architect's Sugar Architectural Visualization competition. Now in its second year, the competition called for participants to "communicate their ideas solely through visuals, without any text. The competition sought outstanding architectural visualizations, showcasing the creative spirit of architects and designers." As part of Buildner's silent competition series, "visualization can portray anything architecturally related and can be previously published work, as long as they hold all the copyrights." This year's jury selected three projects that represented the best execution of technical design skills, visual world-building, and creating narratives. The three selected winners will receive a cash prize of 3,000 € (First Prize), 1,500 € (Second Prize), and 500 € (Third Prize). Winners and honorable mentions below are comprised of students and design professionals.First Prize: The Imaginary Variance: Collective Memories and Urban ReconstructionBy: Meshal Alradadi and Halie Kim of Pratt Institute (USA)Read the full post on Bustler

Winners of Buildner's latest Architectural Visualization Award showcase the possibilities of visual storytelling

Buildner announces winners of the 2023 Architect's Sugar Architectural Visualization competition. Now in its second year, the competition called for participants to "communicate their ideas solely through visuals, without any text. The competition sought outstanding architectural visualizations, showcasing the creative spirit of architects and designers." As part of Buildner's silent competition series, "visualization can portray anything architecturally related and can be previously published work, as long as they hold all the copyrights."

This year's jury selected three projects that represented the best execution of technical design skills, visual world-building, and creating narratives. The three selected winners will receive a cash prize of 3,000 € (First Prize), 1,500 € (Second Prize), and 500 € (Third Prize). Winners and honorable mentions below are comprised of students and design professionals.

First Prize: The Imaginary Variance: Collective Memories and Urban Reconstruction
By: Meshal Alradadi and Halie Kim of Pratt Institute (USA)

Read the full post on Bustler