Winners of the 2020 AR House Awards: transformed Buffalo garage earns top prize
Six residential projects from across the globe have just been recognized in Architectural Review's AR House Awards competition. While the top prize this year went to an inspiring adaptive-reuse conversion by emerging practice Davidson Rafailidis in Buffalo, New York, the jury also awarded two Highly Commended projects in Australia and Mexico as well as three more Commended buildings in Japan and Belgium. This year's jury included three previous AR House finalists: co-founder of Collectif Encore Anna Chavepayre, British architect Lisa Shell, and Dutch architect Ard de Vries. Winner: Big Space, Little Space in Buffalo, NY by Davidson Rafailidis Read the full post on Bustler

Six residential projects from across the globe have just been recognized in Architectural Review's AR House Awards competition. While the top prize this year went to an inspiring adaptive-reuse conversion by emerging practice Davidson Rafailidis in Buffalo, New York, the jury also awarded two Highly Commended projects in Australia and Mexico as well as three more Commended buildings in Japan and Belgium.
This year's jury included three previous AR House finalists: co-founder of Collectif Encore Anna Chavepayre, British architect Lisa Shell, and Dutch architect Ard de Vries.
Winner: Big Space, Little Space in Buffalo, NY by Davidson Rafailidis Read the full post on Bustler