Winners of the 2020 HOME Competition speculate on the domestic space of the future

The annual HOME competition asks designers to explore ideas of domestic architecture for the future, and the results of the 2020 edition are now in. This year's jury, which included established architects like Peter Eisenman, Toshiko Mori, Neil Denari, Tatiana Bilbao, Vishaan Chakrabarti as well as emerging designers, selected the winning designs for each of the three main perspectives: innovation, adaptability, and pragmaticism. Overall Winner: Shadow Housing Participants: Jeffrey Liu & Haylie Chan Read the full post on Bustler

Winners of the 2020 HOME Competition speculate on the domestic space of the future

The annual HOME competition asks designers to explore ideas of domestic architecture for the future, and the results of the 2020 edition are now in.

This year's jury, which included established architects like Peter Eisenman, Toshiko Mori, Neil Denari, Tatiana Bilbao, Vishaan Chakrabarti as well as emerging designers, selected the winning designs for each of the three main perspectives: innovation, adaptability, and pragmaticism.

Overall Winner: Shadow Housing
Participants: Jeffrey Liu & Haylie Chan

Read the full post on Bustler