Write ON 2020: a themed writing workshop
Registration Deadline: Jun 5, 2020; Submission Deadline: Jun 5, 2020 All are invited to apply to Write ON 2020: a themed writing workshop with a focus on togetherness in the built environment. In a time of unprecedented change, where is the way forward in supporting our neighbours and communities? What openings can we find to make up for lost time in seeking to re-connect with the land? What memories or histories can we draw from in order to remake our support networks even more open and caring? And finally, what might creative process offer? Write ON is about words. And about contemporary expressions of visual form. The workshop includes four writing sessions and work with an individual mentor to develop a piece of writing. Write ON 2020 will run between June 20 and November 15, 2020. The deadline to apply is June 5, 2020. Visit our website to apply: www.dtalks.org/writeon2020 Read the full post on Bustler

All are invited to apply to Write ON 2020: a themed writing workshop with a focus on togetherness in the built environment.
In a time of unprecedented change, where is the way forward in supporting our neighbours and communities? What openings can we find to make up for lost time in seeking to re-connect with the land? What memories or histories can we draw from in order to remake our support networks even more open and caring? And finally, what might creative process offer?
Write ON is about words. And about contemporary expressions of visual form.
The workshop includes four writing sessions and work with an individual mentor to develop a piece of writing. Write ON 2020 will run between June 20 and November 15, 2020.
The deadline to apply is June 5, 2020.
Visit our website to apply: www.dtalks.org/writeon2020 Read the full post on Bustler