Wufu Longjing Agricultural Products Exhibition Center / Describing Architecture Studio

The Wufu Longjing Agricultural Products Exhibition Center is located in the Wufu Longjing Smart Agricultural Creation Park, Baofeng Town, Zhushan County. This project is one of the key projects for Zhushan County to build a “billion-yuan agricultural processing industry.” It relies on 1,200 acres of land connected to Longjing Village and Hanxihe Village in Baofeng Town to build the Agricultural Smart Park, Agricultural Cultivation Park, and Agricultural Research Park. It aims to create an ecological demonstration base for agricultural tourism integration that integrates “smart agriculture, agricultural experience, education and research, leisure tourism, and catering and entertainment”. The goal is to effectively promote rural revitalization, stimulate regional economic development, and drive more than 1,000 households of villagers in the surrounding areas to achieve stable income growth. The Agricultural Products Exhibition Center is located at the entrance of the park, which is the starting point of the entire park. It needs to accommodate the gathering of visitors, tourists, and researchers. At the same time, it also serves as a window for displaying and selling agricultural products.

Wufu Longjing Agricultural Products Exhibition Center / Describing Architecture Studio
© Lian He, Literal translation architectural photography studio © Lian He, Literal translation architectural photography studio
  • architects: Describing Architecture Studio
  • Location: Wufu Longjing Smart Agricultural Innovation Park, Baofeng Town, Zhushan County, Hubei, China
  • Project Year: 2022
  • Photographs: Lian He, Literal translation architectural photography studio
  • Area: 1200.0 m2

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