Yale School of Architecture Dean Deborah Berke has been awarded the Topaz Medallion

The American Institute of Architects jointly with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture has today announced Yale School of Architecture Dean Deborah Berke, FAIA as the 2022 recipient of the Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education.  Berke, who has served as Dean at Yale since 2016, was commended for her “engaged approach in every graduate architecture student’s education” in addition to the initiatives that she has spearheaded during her tenure in New Haven, which include the introduction of an undergraduate Urban Studies major, the creation of Yale’s Center for Ecosystems in Architecture as well as the school’s first architectural sciences lab. Relisten to Archinect's 2016 podcast conversation One-to-One #41 with Deborah Berke Berke was also lauded for her efforts to diversify the school and for leading an initiative to tackle and investigate the issue of slave labor in the construction supply chain.  Berke speaks about the Yale Building Project. P...

Yale School of Architecture Dean Deborah Berke has been awarded the Topaz Medallion

The American Institute of Architects jointly with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture has today announced Yale School of Architecture Dean Deborah Berke, FAIA as the 2022 recipient of the Topaz Medallion for Excellence in Architectural Education. 

Berke, who has served as Dean at Yale since 2016, was commended for her “engaged approach in every graduate architecture student’s education” in addition to the initiatives that she has spearheaded during her tenure in New Haven, which include the introduction of an undergraduate Urban Studies major, the creation of Yale’s Center for Ecosystems in Architecture as well as the school’s first architectural sciences lab.

Relisten to Archinect's 2016 podcast conversation One-to-One #41 with Deborah Berke

Berke was also lauded for her efforts to diversify the school and for leading an initiative to tackle and investigate the issue of slave labor in the construction supply chain. 

Berke speaks about the Yale Building Project. P...