23 Ways to Organize Your Clothes Efficiently

Does your closet look like a bomb exploded in there? Don’t take offense; instead, take the right steps for the complete organization of your clothes. You may have hosted a mega clothes purge before, but your efforts are wasted if your belongings are in total disorder after just a few weeks. That’s why we are […] The post 23 Ways to Organize Your Clothes Efficiently appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..

23 Ways to Organize Your Clothes Efficiently

Does your closet look like a bomb exploded in there? Don’t take offense; instead, take the right steps for the complete organization of your clothes.

You may have hosted a mega clothes purge before, but your efforts are wasted if your belongings are in total disorder after just a few weeks. That’s why we are here to help you work smarter, so you can keep everything arranged and instantly accessible.

We have put together this guide keeping your needs in mind and have explained some simple yet foolproof hacks that’ll leave you satisfied. So, take a look at these 23 ways to organize your clothes efficiently and get rid of the mess, stat.

Ways to Organize Your Clothes

Without further ado, let’s get down to business.

  1. Declutter your clothes by category

A quick and easy solution to get your clothes in order is by sifting through them by type. Piling every piece of clothing on the bed is a waste of time, as you’ll end up creating a bigger mess than you had initially.

Instead, separate all clothes based on categories like tops, pants, dresses, formals, home wear, undergarments, accessories, etc. After that, individually sort through every item and put them under a single category.

This way it’s faster as it’s convenient to look through similar clothes when they’re arranged together in neat piles. This way, you’ll know what you have too many of, and don’t need. While going through all the stuff, make it a point to keep only those clothes you actually wear.

For better organization, follow this simple mantra:

  • Keep: Everything you love and wear often.
  • Consign: In order to resell or consign apparel, the items must be in good shape. Usually, consignment stores prefer known brands.
  • Donate: These items should be in usable condition. Anything used with care can be added to this pile.
  • Trash: Dispose of anything stained, ripped, ridiculously out of style, or just not in good enough condition to make it to the donation pile.
  1. Empty and deep clean all closets

Congratulations! You’ve successfully made a separate ‘keep’ and ‘toss/give away’ pile of clothes. After that, make a quick sweep of your closet and take out anything else on the shelves.

If you’re used to randomly shoving clothing items into your closet, you’ll probably find some long-forgotten garment in the back. While it may be a sudden, exciting find, let’s not lose sight of the real mission here.

Take out everything from your closets, including hangers, bins, removable drawers, baskets, and anything else lingering in any corner.

When it’s completely empty, begin with your deep clean ritual.

First, dust the shelves and then run the vacuum on the floor. For stubborn dirt and grime, you may need to use a mop. Give it all a final wipe with an all-purpose surface cleaner and don’t miss any spot on the walls or baseboards. Your basket and bins could also collect dust and lint over time, so don’t forget to clean them.

  1. Repurpose your closet space

Reimagine and repurpose your closet space, so you can make the most of the limited storage. You can get really creative with what you have and arrange your stuff in a more accessible and organized way.

Identify your closet’s most useful features. For instance, you may have sufficient vertical storage space, multiple hanging rods, built-in shelving, etc. Use these to get maximum benefit without overcrowding any area.

Your storage area may also have some disadvantages like hard-to-reach top shelves or lack of shelves altogether. Simply look for opportunities to turn the situation in your favor. Long story short, you could use that underused upper shelf for storing seasonal items or things that you rarely need but cannot do away with.

You could also fit in organizers and hanging racks to keep your clothes neatly tucked away. Or, just take it a step further and transform it into an open-plan closet. The possibilities are infinite; you just need to find the most suitable approach.

  1. Store your clothes by category

This may seem like a no-brainer, but honestly, it could make a world of difference. How many times did you wreck up the cupboard for one graphic t-shirt? Well, if you keep everything grouped, you do not have to search, leaving a mess behind.

Keep all similar items together. Fold your formals in one neat pile, hang your dresses side-by-side, and keep your workout outfits separate from your PJs.

  1. Use coordinating hangers

Mismatched hangers are an eyesore and look quite chaotic. A collection of different colored and shaped plastic wires makes your closet look clumsy and disorganized.

Eliminate the visual clutter and give your cupboard a neat, streamlined look by investing in good quality, matching hangers for your garments.

There’s no point saving a few dollars and buying something that bends or gives away quickly. Also, make sure that your hangers actually work and do not overburden the beam.

Therefore, we suggest buying sturdy velvet hangers instead of thin plastic ones, especially if you want to hang heavy suits. Buy a set to create a uniform appearance.

  1. Hang all things fancy, delicate, or sturdy

You may have sufficient closet space to hang every shirt and T-shirt you own, but if that’s not the case, simply hang the appropriate stuff.

Meaning, delicate items like dresses, lingerie, skirts, fancy suits, and structured pieces like coats and blazers need separate hangers. Besides, large hangers help clothes hold their shape better. So, if you sort your best garments this way, you can dress and dash on busy mornings.

Pro tip: Hang all clothing items facing the same direction, starting with longer pieces on the left with gradually shortening length towards the right.

  1. Stack denim and sweaters

Save on limited drawer and hanging space by stacking heavy winter garments and thick denim jeans (separately, of course). These items are easy to pile as they’re bulky and sturdier, and hence won’t slump, crinkle, or lose shape. Plus, they require low maintenance, so it’s not essential to make precise folds while stacking.

Besides, when you put them in a neat pile, you’ll be able to see each item clearly, and you can take out what you need by merely lifting the clothes on top.

  1. Roll pajamas, t-shirts, and workout gears into storage boxes

Clothing items like cotton t-shirts, polyester shorts, and leggings are soft, thin, and pliable, making them perfectly suitable for the roll and tuck method.

This storage technique is a great way to save space if you execute it correctly. Instead of folding and stacking these soft things, just fold them in half and roll them into neat tubes.

If you’re not sure about the right way, you can look up some tutorial videos online. After you’re done making those tubes, tuck away the rolled items into shoe boxes (ideal for sliding into drawers). Alternatively, you may use wire baskets or clear bins (suitable for shelves).

  1. Divide and conquer with a reminder system

This is a simple hack that will help you keep your stuff organized and within easy reach. Long story short, create a closet-beam reminder system that indicates what goes where, so you can instantly find what you’re looking for and later return it to its assigned space.

Storing similar items together simplifies the routine and prevents overstuffing in the closet. This way, none of your clothes get wrinkled or fall off the hangers. Find some eye-catching closet and drapery-rod clips to display handwritten tags that differentiate clothing sections.

  1. Store most-used clothes at eye level

Try and keep garments you wear regularly, properly folded in the middle of your closet at eye level. Doing so makes it easy to find and grab things while you’re still half awake early in the morning.

Pile less-used items directly above or below the most popular choices, and put away your least-worn clothes to the top shelf.

  1. Go down under

If you’re running out of closet space, turn to under-bed organizers to expand storage. Anything including plastic boxes, cardboard containers, fabric bags, wire racks, and wooden drawers will work for the purpose, as they provide ample storage and opportunity for organization.

So, if you have a sturdy box lying around, simply reuse it for more storage and keep it concealed under the bed. While they’re suitable for keeping sweaters, jeans, and socks, you may also stow away your seasonal wear in these receptacles.

We suggest looking for options with shoe-organizer inserts since moving shoes out of the closet opens up more space for storing clothes and makes things tidier.

  1. Color-code your wardrobe

Arranging your clothes by color may seem tedious, but it’s worth the effort and costs nothing. How many times have you tried to pull out a black top, only turning out to be some other black item?

Therefore, it’s easier if you maintain your wardrobe in a color-coded manner, as then you won’t make the mistake of picking out the wrong piece. Plus, it’s aesthetically pleasing and says a lot about your personality.

You don’t have to arrange it in a specific order, just go by the general color distinction. Also, you can organize based on patterns like checks or stripes.

  1. Tap a door

Use door hooks, multi-hook racks, and shoe bags to temporarily hold newly pressed outfits, caps and other accessories. These hooks are best used to carry bulky items, such as coats or robes that are worn regularly.

You may also add a pegboard to the front or back of a door to hang smaller accessories like scarves, belts, and neckties.

  1. Maximize your vertical storage space

Every closet has an untapped potential that, when appropriately used, transforms the layout of your storage area. We are talking about the elusive vertical space.

That includes walls, doors, top shelves, and even the unused space between the cupboard floor and the hems of hanging dresses.

You can install DIY shelves on the extra space for keeping jewelry and smaller cloth accessories for easy retrieval. Channel your creative ideas and work with what you got.

  1. Customize for your little ones

Kids have smaller clothes, which make for compact storage in the closet. Basically, you can fit in more clothes and accessories on a single shelf. That said, design a multi-tier system featuring dual rods, as shown in the picture. The lower one can be used to keep play and home clothes while the upper level holds outside wear.

  1. Use drawer dividers for undergarments

Drawer dividers work great when you want to keep all undergarments arranged systematically. This way, you don’t have to hunt while rushing to get dressed. Plus, it’ll help you keep track of your laundry needs.

Just roll your tights, socks, underwear, and belts to maximize space in the compartments. Also, it’s easier to locate, visually pleasing, and functional.

  1. Organize your drawer contents as per your dressing order

Wouldn’t it be great if you woke up and every item of clothing was in place? For starters, it would make your morning routine much simpler if you plan everything beforehand.

If you have a dresser or multiple drawers storing a substantial amount of clothes, be savvy about optimizing the space and use the unit accordingly.

In the bottom drawer, stow your undergarments and put your pants and tops in the drawers above. You can use the top shelf for accessories like belts, neckties, socks, etc.

So simple yet functional.

  1. Hang scarves on hangers

While you can roll them up or even fold them for stacking (if they’re really thick), tying your scarves on a hanger is a practical way to keep them organized.

Simply put, hanging your scarves allows you to keep them wrinkle-free, and since they instantly become more accessible, you’ll be more likely to use them regularly.

  1. Utilize empty wall space for hanging jewelry and accessories

If you have a drab-looking back wall that otherwise is an empty space open to customizations, get creative, and utilize the area efficiently. You can put up anything, including belts, jewelry, hats, or ties, and turn it into an interesting display.

Still not sure about how to hang everything?

Simply use nails or towel hooks. But if you want a more personalized approach, try using a custom coat rack or a fun LEGO key holder.

Other ideas: a pegboard, a clothesline with pins, canvas organizer, piece of burlap with attached safety pins, or even a repurposed rake head.

  1. Turn your hangers backward to indicate how often you wear something

Let’s just say that this advanced closet hack gives you a clear picture of which clothes you wear more often and which ones you do not touch at all. Even though you somehow end up convincing yourself about their utility or beauty, in reality, they should get the sack.

Here’s how it works:

Firstly, turn all your hangers backward. If you’re feeling inspired, make small bows on the hangers instead or wrap bits of electrical tape on them with a date tag.

Now, every time you pull a garment out of your closet, turn the hanger forward. If there are items on backward-facing hangers for over six months or a year, you might as well get rid of them as they’re just hogging space.

  1. Use the “one in, one out” rule to keep your clothes collection in check

Despite your superior organizational skills, you could still end up with heaps of ill-fitting, old clothes or impulsive buys that you now hate, at the end of each year.

So if you’re wondering how to stop things from getting out of hand, simply adopt the highly effective ‘one in, one out’ policy.

It’s exactly what it sounds like.

Long story short, for every new item you add to your closet, get rid of another. Got a new summer dress? Let go of the jumpsuit that you haven’t worn in two years. Bought a dashing leather jacket? Say adios to an old t-shirt.

It’s simple, decisive, and easy, ensuring that your collection never gets too difficult to manage.

  1. Get the tools for the job – boxes, organizers 

If you plan on a major clothes purge, you must have the right tools for the task. There’s no pointing folding every item only for them to fall into disarray after a few weeks. Therefore, if you’ve the budget, invest in customizable closet systems, specialty racks, and hangers.

Also, if there’s sufficient floor space in your cupboard, get storage bins and baskets to utilize the space better. Besides that, custom hang tags, shelf and drawer organizers are a great way to keep your belongings neatly arranged.

Alternatively, you may go the DIY route and make compartmentalized bags out of old fabrics. Use vintage boxes, and old suitcases to stash your out-of-season apparel.

  1. Maintaining Your Newly Organized Closet

When it comes to maintaining a neat closet, it’s best to follow a routine in short intervals. Keep an eye out for clothes stacks that start to look a little messy and fix it before it creates a domino effect on adjacent piles. Go for a complete reorganization at least twice a year and reevaluate the space management techniques.

Things will get much easier if you strictly follow a cleaning schedule, either by season, date (last day of the month), or event (deep clean before Christmas or New year’s). In other words, the next time you struggle to find a piece of clothing, read that as a sign for a much-needed reorg of your closet.

Final Words

That’s all for now! We hope these tips will help you sort your clothes better and maintain a tidy appearance round the year. But when and if things get a little messy, don’t panic, take a day out and start from scratch.

However, no matter what, do not overstuff your closets, as more often than not, that’s where the trouble begins. Also, avoid leaving your freshly laundered clothes in a pile for too long. Not only does it look clumsy, but chances are you’ll lose track of what’s washed and what’s used. So, just get to work and be as creative as possible.

Till next time, keep it neat!

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The post 23 Ways to Organize Your Clothes Efficiently appeared first on Homesthetics - Inspiring ideas for your home..