2Y House / Sebastián Irarrázaval

The main objectives of the house are two. Firstly; that it integrates the forest into the daily experience of the user and Secondly; that it receives as much light and sun as possible during the entire day. For that purpose, the program is fit in a 2Y letters diagram that creates not only double orientations for entering the sun at different times of the day but also exposes the inhabitant to views that surround him. In other words, the extremely extended perimeter of the house and its bifurcations, in opposition to a compact organization, potentiates the experience of being, not in front of the exteriority, but within it.  More specifically, of being among the sun and trees in a parietal relationship.

2Y House  / Sebastián Irarrázaval
© Felipe Díaz Contardo © Felipe Díaz Contardo
  • architects: Sebastián Irarrázaval
  • Location: Colico, Curanilahue, Región del Bío Bío, Chile
  • Project Year: 2013
  • Photographs: Felipe Díaz Contardo
  • Photographs:
  • Area: 350.0 m2

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