50% Cloud Artists Lounge Restaurant / CCD

The restaurant is situated in a building named "50%Cloud", which follows the design languages of red brick architectural complexes designed by Luo Xu while at the same time subtly incorporating Art Deco Style to maintain its own unique identity. Without a single steel bar or nail, this "utopia" built on red soil is completely composed of local red bricks and blends into nature.  The building looks like a mega art installation and half of a cloud that undulates in the sky. It features solid facades, curved contours, and volumes set at staggering heights.  

50% Cloud Artists Lounge Restaurant / CCD
Courtesy of CCD Courtesy of CCD
  • architects: CCD
  • Location: Mile, Yunnan, China
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Courtesy of CCD
  • Area: 550.0 m2

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