A New Alternative in Interior Design: Two High-Quality Products on One Wood-Based Chipboard

The use of organic and natural materials, as well as products that successfully emulate them, has been a strong ongoing trend that continues to gain popularity in interior design. Especially in the past year, where confinement restrictions have heavily influenced the amount of time people spend in their homes, the industry has experienced an increased demand for products capable of bringing nature and visual comfort indoors – whether it be in the form of furniture or other decorative elements. It is, without a doubt, a design movement that is here to stay.

A New Alternative in Interior Design: Two High-Quality Products on One Wood-Based Chipboard
EGGER PerfectSense Feelwood lacquered board EGGER PerfectSense Feelwood lacquered board

The use of organic and natural materials, as well as products that successfully emulate them, has been a strong ongoing trend that continues to gain popularity in interior design. Especially in the past year, where confinement restrictions have heavily influenced the amount of time people spend in their homes, the industry has experienced an increased demand for products capable of bringing nature and visual comfort indoors – whether it be in the form of furniture or other decorative elements. It is, without a doubt, a design movement that is here to stay.

However, besides the interest in nature inspired objects, architects’ and designers’ primary consideration when selecting a material is often its quality, resistance, and maintenance needs. It is, therefore, ideal to combine a natural look with functionality when creating a user-friendly indoor environment. With that in mind, wood-based materials manufacturer EGGER has expanded its lacquer portfolio to develop a new line that unites an organic look with other beneficial properties.

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