Aichermagazin Isny Pavilion / Atelier Sunder-Plassmann + Schnell&co architekulabor

During the 1970s Otl Aicher developed a corporate design for the city of Isny im Allgäu, based on his image about a „city in black and white“ („Stadt in Schwarz und Weiß“). A series of 136 pictograms, portray the town, the landscape, and the region in black and white. Since then the work of Aicher has lost neither its sharpness nor its expressiveness and today still forms an integral part of the town‘s corporate identity.

Aichermagazin Isny Pavilion / Atelier Sunder-Plassmann + Schnell&co architekulabor
© Mikael Blomfelt © Mikael Blomfelt

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