Alstom Warehouses, Nantes Métropole Higher School of Fine Arts / Franklin Azzi Architecture

Located in the “Ile de Nantes” a site undergoing industrial transformation, the Alstom Warehouses requalification project marks a new step towards the objective of urban rehabilitation. It goes beyond – it is about city-making, city-making together on the old Alstom warehouses site so that a new dynamic arises at the crossroads of culture, technology, and economy.

Alstom Warehouses, Nantes Métropole Higher School of Fine Arts / Franklin Azzi Architecture
© Luc Boegly © Luc Boegly
  • architects: Franklin Azzi Architecture
  • Location: Mail du Front populaire, 44200 Nantes, France
  • Project Year: 2017
  • Photographs: Luc Boegly
  • Area: 26000.0 m2

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