An Electric Blue Addition Punches Up a 1930s Bungalow in L.A.

Productora and Part Office revitalize an Elysian Heights home with bright metal siding and a sawtooth roof.

An Electric Blue Addition Punches Up a 1930s Bungalow in L.A.

Productora and Part Office revitalize an Elysian Heights home with bright metal siding and a sawtooth roof.

Mexico City–based architecture firm Productora, together with Los Angeles’s Part Office, has breathed new life into an otherwise unremarkable 1930s bungalow in the verdant Elysian Heights neighborhood of L.A. "The original house was given new life and slightly reorganized with new windows focusing on existing trees and views," says Wonne Ickx, principal of PRODUCTORA.

Photo: Onnis Luque

Aptly renamed Casa Nova, the simple dwelling has been transformed into a striking, bright-blue home with a sawtooth roof and generously sized, retractable glass doors that open out onto shaded patios and a large California pepper tree beyond.

Photo: Onnis Luque

The architects retained much of the original structure and added three volumes, which house the primary bedroom and a studio/garage. They also refreshed the kitchen and enlarged and reoriented the living room.

Photo: Onnis Luque

See the full story on An Electric Blue Addition Punches Up a 1930s Bungalow in L.A.
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