Architects Zoe Chan and Merlin Eayrs on Creating a Captivating Dining Area

Hint: layered lighting can work wonders.

Architects Zoe Chan and Merlin Eayrs on Creating a Captivating Dining Area

Hint: layered lighting can work wonders.

Chan + Eayrs transform an 18th-century house in East London, combining contemporary furnishings with historic objects—including a hefty antique table in the dining area.

The dining area is a very personal space, where you can be surrounded by objects and trinkets you’ve picked up throughout your life while you enjoy the ritual of eating. You’re very much slowing down, connecting with friends, maybe lighting a candle.

Zoe Chan

London-based designer, Zoe Chan

Illustration by Ben Kirchner

Merlin Eayrs

Chan's designer husband, Merlin Eayrs, with whom she runs the firm Chan + Eayrs.

Illustration by Ben Kirchner

Layered lighting is also very important—it shouldn't feel like there is one specific light source coming from above. You can use table lamps and floor lamps to provide warm, ambient light. Rather than going out and buying a classic that everyone knows, we quite like, say, finding an old brass light and giving it a new life.

Chan + Eayrs transform an 18th-century house in East London, combining contemporary furnishings with historic objects—including a hefty antique table in the dining area.

Chan + Eayrs transform an 18th-century house in East London, combining contemporary furnishings with historic objects—including a hefty antique table in the dining area.

Photo by Michael Sinclair

See the full story on Architects Zoe Chan and Merlin Eayrs on Creating a Captivating Dining Area
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