Artchimboldi Menorca Workspace / Anna Truyol + Emma Martí Arquitectura

Anna Truyol and Emma Martí's goal was a minimal, non-invasive intervention that would preserve the history, experiences, and soul of the space. In one example, the marés (local stone) walls, full of imperfections, were left in their original state and painted white to preserve the texture of the wall. "In this way, they continue to have life," they explain. To achieve diaphanous spaces, defined by the character of their materials and especially by their volumes, all the elements that were not typical of the original building were eliminated. This first intervention resulted in two open spaces, distributed over two floors, very spacious and bright, allowing the introduction of the essential elements for the new use. The purpose of the intervention was to obtain warm, welcoming work spaces that invite sharing and encourage creativity and open-mindedness.

Artchimboldi Menorca Workspace / Anna Truyol + Emma Martí Arquitectura
© Pol Viladoms © Pol Viladoms
  • architects: Anna Truyol
  • architects: Emma Martí Arquitectura
  • Location: Carrer d'Allemand, 74, 07710 Sant Lluís, Illes Balears, Spain
  • Project Year: 2020
  • Photographs: Pol Viladoms
  • Area: 230.0 m2

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